Social media


Social Media is now a vital marketing tool for any business but which platform or Social media platforms should you be using for your business and should your business really depend on Social Media today for client acquisition and growth potential.

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Social Media for Business

Social media

Social Media is now a vital marketing tool for any business but which platform or Social media platforms should you be using for your business and should your business really depend on Social Media today for client acquisition and growth potential.

The World Pandemic of Covid-19 firmly grew the gravity for the need of Social Media in Business today die to it’s dependence on digital communication. If you were a business that did not rely on Social Media in your business to help you attract more clients and get more leads than you would of missed the boat or been in the slow lane whilst others were growing and breaking records at new, higher levels.

Results show that the Pandemic increased online purchasing by 76% which has been the highest it has every been since the birth of the internet so let’s look at what is working currently in Social media for your business and where you can start if you haven’t already and how you can grow more if you have. 

Social Media Platforms

Which Social Media platform you will have success with as a business will depend on a number of things but the three most important are:

  • What is your product or Service?
  • Who will it serve?
  • What are you methods of Engagement?

Once you have decided upon these you are ready to start putting your business out there into the wide, digital world. 

If you are not sure how to answer the first three questions. Try the Digi-teAch Social Media Business Identification Masterclass here.


Social Media

The Top five Social Media Platforms for Business

  1. Facebook.
  2. Instagram.
  3. Pinterest
  4. Youtube.
  5. Linkedin.

Runners up!

  1. Tiktok
  2. Whatsapp
  3. Reddit.
  4. Quora.
  5. Blogger

Facebook has been around for decades and is globally known as the giant of Social Media. Taking over Instagram and owning that too has made these two platforms firm contenders for other platforms.

Facebook as a Social Media Platform is very innovative and is always the first platform to roll out new features and Interactive notions in the bid of continuing to be the Social Media giant.

Currently as a registered business on Instagram you can use the  Social Media platform too:

  1. Create business, brand and celebrity pages.
  2. Run paid advertisements.
  3. Create groups and Communities. 
  4. E-commerce with facebook shops.
  5. Generate Leads with facebook Lead forms.
  6. Become Monetised by the facebook Sponsoring and paid partners program.
  7. Memberships.

You can do all of these things on Instagram with the exception of point 3, create groups and communities. In fact facebook and Instagram use the same tagging facility for e-commerce and subscription services if that is what your business sells.

Due to the advanced nature of Facebooks Advertisement Service for Business owners, there really is no community or potential clients that can not be reached grace to the facebook pixel, which literally tracks and stores a huge amount of data on the people that interact with you, your business or you posts on facebook. Because of this advertising on Facebook has become every skilled digital business owners dream and delight.

Social Media
A selection of Pinterest pins

Pinterest was very much overlooked for a number of years by businesses but has grown exponentially and is an ideal place to market yourself, your goods and services if your wares are targeted towards females because the majority of Pinterest users are female.

Pinterest is different to facebook in that people do not write comments like they do on Facebook. On Pinterest you create ‘pins’. Pins are like digital cards with a huge emphasis on graphics. These pins you can digitally tag to your website, blog or other platform page for viewers to click through to.

Pinterest also has an interesting analytics for business owners to gleam more information about who is viewing their pins along with an entire stack of other demographics. All of which just like facebook, will be very useful in running paid ads on this platform.


Youtube, is perhaps the mother of all Social Media platforms as after Google itself it is the second largest in the world.

Youtube is unlike both facebook and Pinterest in that video content is all that can be posted and within reason, legalities permitting, there is nothing that you cannot find on Youtube. 

In consideration of the fact that Youtube is not a written media, it’s Search Engine Optimisation  (SEO)is fiercely powerful as Google recognises the spoken words in Google for SEO purposes. This can push your Youtube videos on to the first few pages of Google  and create lots of positive marketing processes going forward.  Youtube also has a very good monetisation advantage too run through adsense. 

Linkedin is a Social Media Platform for Business owners and Professionals. It is ideal to cultivate and grow connections and is suited to freelancers, business owners, a customer base and even potential partners. Over 65 million professionals use Linkedin.

The big  difference  between Linkedin and other platforms is that the Social Media structure of Linkedin allows you to upgrade your account to a paid professional account. Because Linkedin is not a Social Media platform where you friend people like on Facebook, using Keywords, SEo and a professional attitude and biography is key to lever this platform to your advantage.

Whatever Social Media Platforms you use for your business, you will need to develop a strategy and content that allows your business and brand to be identified easily across the different Social media platforms.

But one thing is for sure there has never been a better time to be in business and grace to Social Media, starting and developing an online businesses has never been more accessible and easy as it is today.

If you are unsure how to use Social Media for business or would like some Digi-teAch® training or a consultation. Please do get in contact with us at or via the Digi-teAch® Academy.

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