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Today many small business owners, freelancers and professionals are delving deeper into the entrepreneurial spirit of their success by keystoning their own internal processes’.


Keystoning is a term that is often used in retail terms related to pricing inventory. It is a pricing method whereby merchandise is priced for resale at an amount that is double the wholesale price or cost of the product. However, in this article, we are going to see how that process is applied to increasing leads not stock.

Leads are the lifeblood of any business or business venture. You can have the best product, service or idea however if you have no clients to sell it to, it value is minimum even worthless. Many business owners waste hours of precious time on logo design and marketing materials at the start of a new business or project when their own process of client acquisition is still on the drawing board.


For years many small business owners and freelancers have thought that anything relating to digital marketing and the process of acquiring lead — new clients was something of a challenge that only those that did that and only that as a professional business could do it and for years many businesses have been charged a pretty penny for having this process done for them. But this is where the pure accessibility of knowledge through digital media has turned small business owners into powerful business giants bearing the key that will set any keystone process on fire, for the simple reason that no one knows a client better than the business owner themselves.

In reality, all businesses’ have one thing in regards to their clients that no one else does. Knowledge. They all know something about their client’s wants, needs, desires and pain points that most other businesses’ don’t know. These little golden nuggets of information are often obtained in the pre-sales and actual transactions themselves where words or gestures between client and business have been performed. An astute business owner will have processes that capture these moments. Using them later as valuable sources of research. Because they know that these are the main pins that hold any procedure of client acquisition together.

But what if you haven’t had those conversations and interactions yet?

What if you have but are not sure what you should be taking notice of, what is important.

What if, you have the information but don’t know how to transform that into a streamlined client acquisition process?

Don’t worry, I have been there a few times myself and managed over the years of having my own business’ to understand what pieces of the machine you need to make it work.


Since that time I have devised a complete process for acquiring clients that now runs totally on automation for several businesses’ that I own. The process itself has been repeated across different industry sectors and I have made it quite simple now to complete. In fact, I have so streamlined that you can complete it in five days online.

This process will allow business owners and freelancers to understand how to find their clients as well as process’ to keep them engaged with you until they become (hopefully) a client.

You can kiss goodbye to expensive leads systems, costing $’000’s per month and all singing and dancing digital systems that are so complicated that you need ten months to figure out how the actual platform works.

You can also kiss goodbye to outsourcing this little gem to other hungry lead generating business and prepare to develop your own client keystone process organically. You see when you create your own processes for acquiring clients you build a pipeline. In my process, I show you how to do this so that when you build the pipeline as it were, you can see easily if you have any blockages or problems with through flow.

Once you have built the pipe that is specific to your business and your business operating systems, you can then apply specific processes to automate that. However, constructing it correctly in the first place is important not only in terms of it’s effectiveness but also in terms of saving time and money.

Find out more about my Online List building party for lead generation, here.

It has helped so many business owners, freelancers, teachers and other professionals build themselves better business’ by obtaining better clients, with a simple but cost-effective system.

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