niche teacher

How to write a niche teaching lesson plan in one minute with AI

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If you’re a teacher, tutor or coach you probably already know that lesson plans are a big part of your daily life. But did you know that creating your own niche lesson plans with AI can help you create better, more niche-specific lesson plans. In this post we will show you what AI is, why you should consider creating niched lesson plans, how to create a niche lesson plan with AI and we will even show you an example of one too.


AI has changed the way we do things, and it’s not just in the classroom—it’s everywhere. And while there are plenty of tools out there to help you create generic lesson plans, there aren’t many options for teachers who want to make their own niche lessons.

That’s where we come in! We’ve discovered an AI tool that will help you create your own niche teaching lesson plans so that you can use them in your online classroom, private masterclasses or even turn them into passive income with your own online course or membership site.

Founder of the Teacherpreneur academy

The world of education is changing

In the past, teachers were responsible for creating their own lesson plans. In the future, they’ll be able to use AI to create personalized lessons that are designed to meet the needs of each individual student.

AI is already being used by companies like Amazon and Apple to create products that can learn from their users’ behavior and provide personalized recommendations. Now we’re seeing this technology applied to education—and it’s going to change everything!

If you’re a teacher or an educator, you probably already know how important it is to create lesson plans that are tailored to your students’ needs. But what if there was a way for AI to do this work for you? What if you could turn your niched lesson plans into passive income?

Why should you create your own niche lesson plans with AI?

There are a few reasons why you should create your own niche lesson plans with AI:

  • You get more traffic from Google searches because people are looking for information on what they need help with
  •  The content is always fresh because AI learns from real humans (you) and then uses that information to create new lessons based on what students want most.
  • You get the opportunity of creating unique and therefore highly desirable lesson plans that are both niche specific and interesting.
  • You can not only use these lessons directly in your own online classroom but by adding pre-recorded video tutorials to them you can then turn your niched lesson plans into a niche online course and sell that as a self study, digital product. This will increase your income through passive sales, reinforce your niche teaching and consolidate the progress of your students.

AI can also help teachers identify and address learning gaps. An AIpowered platform can quickly analyze student data, such as test scores and attendance records, to identify areas where students are struggling. With this information, teachers can create customized lesson plans that address each students individual needs. AI can also be used to create niched lessons plans for niche teaching in a virtual environment helping teachers create engaging and interactive lessons that can be accessed from any device using the best resources to use for each lesson, ensuring that the material is uptodate and accurate.

Which AI software should you use to create niche lesson plans?

There are many different AI software today and each day more are being discovered but for creating lesson plans we have found one called Chat GPT and for the moment, it’s FREE!

Now whatever AI software you use, there is one crucial factor to remember when using it. The more detailed and specific your request, the better the AI results will be. So let me give you an example of how to create a niche lesson plan with Ai software.

How to create a niche lesson plan with Ai software: An example

Prompt: Create an ESL lesson plan to teach B1 level adult students how to write a business email. The lesson should be 45 minutes long, use British English and include 10 business-related idioms

The response: ESL Lesson Plan: Writing a Business Email (45 minutes)

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a formal business email using appropriate language and formatting, as well as incorporate 10 business-related idioms into their writing.

Level: B1 (intermediate)


  • Handout with the definition and example sentences for each idiom
  • Sample business emails
  • Computer or laptop with internet access (optional)

Warm-up (5 minutes):

  • Write the following idioms on the board: “to take the bull by the horns,” “to have a chip on your shoulder,” “to jump the gun,” “to be in the same boat,” “to take the reins,” “to be on the same page,” “to hit the ground running,” “to be a dark horse,” “to be the elephant in the room,” “to be the goose that lays the golden egg.”
  • Ask students if they recognize any of the idioms and if they know what they mean. Clarify any misunderstandings and give brief definitions for any idioms that are unfamiliar to the students.

Pre-writing activity (10 minutes):

  • Divide the students into pairs or small groups.
  • Give each group a handout with the definition and example sentences for each idiom.
  • Have the students work together to create their own sentences using each idiom. Encourage them to be creative and come up with original sentences rather than simply repeating the example sentences provided.
  • After a few minutes, have a few groups share their sentences with the class.

Writing activity (20 minutes):

  • Review the structure and format of a formal business email, including the subject line, greeting, body, and closing.
  • Give the students a writing prompt, such as “You are writing to a new client to introduce your company and explain the services you offer.”
  • Have the students start drafting their emails, incorporating at least 3 of the idioms they practiced in the pre-writing activity.
  • Encourage the students to use the sample business emails as a reference for language and formatting.
  • Walk around the class and provide individual feedback and assistance as needed.

Peer review (10 minutes):

  • Have the students pair up and exchange their emails with a partner.
  • Have the students read their partner’s email and provide feedback on the use of idioms, language, and formatting.
  • Have the students make any necessary revisions based on their partner’s feedback.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Have a few students volunteer to read their final emails to the class.
  • Ask the class for feedback on the use of idioms and the overall clarity and effectiveness of the emails.
  • Review any points that were not clear to the class and provide additional guidance as needed.
  • Summarize the key points of the lesson and encourage the students to continue practicing their business email writing skills.

We were mind blowing when we saw this. But when we repeated this for similar niched lesson plans that related to this subject and added some of the resources from the ESL content vault to this, we then produced a complete niche-specific Business English course for ESL students in hours. Using the Teacherpreneur marketing section of the ESL content vault allowed us to then sell this from our own website, directly to our students, creating more passive income.

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