If you have ever wondered what a Teacherpreneur is, how they make Income, why so many people want to be one, how you can become a Teacherpreneur too and what the Digi-teach® Teacherpreneur Challenge course is and why it is a vital, online course to take for Teacherpreneurs, then this article is for you as it is going to help you answer all of those questions.
What is a Teacherpreneur?
A Teacherpreneur is often someone that comes from an educational background and wants to create their own business by using their educational skills to help others by creating useful products and services. There are many types of Teacherpreneurs and most of them today are online Teacherpreneurs who earn their income online. You don’t have to come from an academic teaching background and in my many years of working as a Teacherpreneur before creating the Teacherpreneur Challenge course, to help others, I have seen many different types of Teacherpreneurs from online language school owners to course creators, content creators to online book and media publishing and this wonderful space – just keeps growing.
So,If you are someone that wants to earn an income online and has a genuine passion for a subject knowledge that you would like to pivot into an online profit by becoming a Teacherpreneur then keep reading and if you really want to take yourself further why not take my FREE mini Teacherpreneur course.
I have been an online Teacherpreneur for many years and have a number of my own online businesses, including this blog and Teacherpreneur Coaching academy but when I first started I had to learn a lot to make my businesses successful online and I continue to learn and take courses to help grow my skillsets which in turn grow my businesses and my income. This is the biggest fail that I see many people doing when they decide to create an online business or start to think about becoming a Teacherpreneur. They start wrong.
Many people seem to think that because something is online, that is going to be a naturally quick and easy process and that it will cost nothing to get started or to grow. If you think that having a successful online business, will happen overnight, I am not going to argue with you but I am going to let you know, that it doesn’t happen overnight, nor is it free. To become a successful Teacherpreneur which I am translating as earning a better than average income online, you are going to have to invest your time and some income into training, set up and then eventually growth. I think that is quite a logical and realistic expectation.
In order to prepare yourself and your business for creation, launch and growth you need three main things:
- Time – to invest in yourself with the relevant training.
- A Good Structure – one that is proven to work like the Teacherpreneur Challenge provides and finally,
- Guidance – to help you overcome any difficulties that you will inevitably have as as a new online Teacherpreneur.
Fortunately Digi-teAch has a great Teacherpreneur community and the Teacherpreneur Challenge has some of the best hands on coaching that we have seen.
We consider it our duty to hop on to a Zoom call and help anyone that joins the program.
In fact, you can even join our FREE Q&A question time on Zoom here. People of all ages and all walk of life have life have passed through the program and now pursue their life goals by doing what they love BUT they have put in the work and the planning first by taking the Teacherpreneur Challenge course.
Why is the Teacherprenur Challenge Course so Vital?
Because it teaches you the core elements of how to create an online business with in-depth training and support from how to get clients or students if you prefer that terminology, to how to create and sell a product online, how to use social media to start your Teacherpreneur business and how to grow it and lots of digital and marketing including creating Lead pages, funnels and so much more. But the main feature of the Teacherpreneur Challenge programme is in the messaging.
Anyone can create a program, course or product with the right training but it is in the selling of it that is going to help you really become a Teacherpreneur. That lies in the internal messaging that your content marketing must have. This is what lots of people don’t know how to do and many think they do and get it wrong.
In the Teacherpreneurs course, I show what works and I back it up with real data that you can go and check. More importantly what you are learning in the Teacherpreneurs Challenge is based on ‘real’ processes that I have personally used to get success which I also evidence in the course and others have used too. How good a course or program is, lies in the results people get from it. Not in people saying how great they found the course. It lies in the results.
What I have learnt is that most teachers and educators just do not know how to sell or market themselves or their business even less so with online marketing. Many have no idea about branding and shy away from even the idea of the word ‘branding.’
However these are the elements that helped me grow my businesses and in particular one of my English language schools is monetised now by facebook® and at the ripe age of forty something am deemed a Social Media Influencer in my field – My teenage kids hate this idea! (Never mind)
That would not be possible if I had not of created my own brand and used social and digital marketing. This is one of the biggest modules in the Teacherpreneur Challenge Course – Marketing because I know that this is one of the biggest issues people have so this module goes DEEP. In this course you will learn Content marketing, how to set up and run facebook ads and when to kill them. There is a great lesson on facebook® ads analysis, I take you through facebook and show you what ads are working for Teacherpreneurs and what is not. So yes, there is a facebook® ads mastery course also embedded into this.
How a successful Teacherpreneur makes things easy
You may be asking yourself, how do I manage so many of my own businesses and help others. This is a very good question and whose answer you will also be learning how to apply in your own business as Teacherpreneur and that is automation.
My businesses for the most part, all run on automation. I chose to create this type of business model because after years of being a board room executive before going into teaching, I got sick to death of schedules and always being pinned down to something, every waking minute of my working day.
I did not want this type of a work life as a Teacherpreneur, so I created a business model that suited me. That is one of the wonderful aspects of being a Teacherpreneur. Sure you have to work hard at the start but you get the freedom to decide when and how and opportunities are endless.
I don’t have huge teams and may online language school is managed entirely by just me. I do however contract English teachers to do the lessons now. But the main structure of that business, like all my others are automated. I have developed excellent frameworks and processes that streamline everyday processes in my businesses so that they are more efficient which in turn makes them more productive. This is where my opportunity is generated as a Teacherpreneur to either reinvest my time in more business creations and opportunities OR simply invest time in free time. The point I am making is that I have the choice. No boss, no awkward schedules to meet and no policies that just don’t suit me but do others.
So, in the Teacherpreneur Challenge this framework along with the exact blueprint that I use to automate my processes which in turn, earn me online income and grow my businesses are taught. You actually learn from inside my businesses and I also give you the tools and my exact marketing templates as well as your very own course template too, so that you don’t have to spend the months I did figuring it out.
How long does it take for me to see results?
This is a, how long is a piece of string question and answer really but if you follow the exact 21 day pathway the the Teacherpreneur Challenge sets out, you complete the training each day (all accessed online) and you then complete the tasks that each training sets, you can see results by the end of the Challenge.
What is important is that you complete the training and do the tasks.
Because the tasks are how you then mirror the Teacherpreneur challenge methods and techniques in your own Teacherpreneur business. It really is a course to help and support you to take action whilst showing you exactly what actions need to be taken and when. You dont have to start big but you do have to start. As an example, my first course for Digi-teach was the Teacherpreneurs List building party where I showed teachers how to generate leads for their own tutoring businesses to get online clients this is now embedded within the Teacherpreneurs Challenge course. Then I saw that lots of people in the pandemic needed to take their teaching online but had no idea how to actually teach online so I created the 10 hour Teach English online course.
Some people wanted to read more about what I do and how they can make a full time income teaching online as a Teacherpreneur, so I wrote a book called the Freelance English tutor. It didn’t take me a year to write – it took me a few weeks. You don’t have to have the biggest and the best to get started, you just need to work out what you can do to bring value to someones life, work out how your skills can help them. The Teacherpreneur Challenge will help you work out the rest and most importantly show you how you can take your ideas and make multiple streams of income from them online.
There is a lot to learn but with the right support, mentor, training and community, you will get there if you start.
If this is you, be sure to register here so that I can invite you to my Live Zoom Question and Answers which I often just make a, ‘Ask me anything session.’
I can’t wait to see you there and hope that you take the steps with me to becoming a Teacherpreneur.