Teaching online? You must see this
- Constantly flitting from one company to another just to try and get some extra slots, most of which don’t get booked because most companies over hire and under deliver.
- Are you still on the same pay rate than when you started?
- Are you trying to make a living from teaching just 3 hours a day and failing in meeting your general household expenditure.
- Are you fed up with getting warnings and your contract threatened monthly for things out of your control like power cuts or reduced bookings because a five year old questioned your professional competence with a ridiculously low rating?
- Are you fed up with being treated like an employee but employed as a self employed teacher – without the employee perks or any employee rights!
- How long can you continue spinning on the merry go – round like this before you fall off?
- Do you want to be in the same place as you are right now professionally and financially next year?