Creative ways to make money online

10 ways to make money online with Stan Creator Store

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Are you looking for a way to make money online right away? 

 This post will show you ten ways you can create today and start selling online today using a Stan Creator Store.

Before we get started. Creators come in all ages, shapes and sizes with all sorts of interests and talents, so don’t be put off by the word, Creator. Just know that the minute you  start posting on Social media you are creating content. Now let’s look at how you can make this opportunity, into a way to make and monetise your content.

createive ways to make money online

This post contain affiliate links.

If you have a Social Media account, you will above the option to use the ‘link in bio’ feature. Link in bio refers to the clickable Url in the profile area of your Social media account. Many people use this link in bio feature to insert the details of their website. Today you will discover how we will use a Stan Creator Store to do this.

If you don’t know what a Stan Creator Store is, it is an all-in-one-App that  converts your link in bio, to a digital store. A Stan Creator store has been specifically designed for social media users and if you look at the interface of a Stan Creator Store, you will quickly understand why it converts so much better than an average website.

Now let’s look at some of the ways that you use the Stan Store to make money directly from your link in bio.


STAN store

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Digital Downloads

I love digital downloads for a few reasons which is why they are my favorite products to create. Digital downloads are things like an ebook, workbook, planner, organisational chart, stationary, worksheets, tracker, coloring pages, guides, wallpapers and so much more. They can take as little as an hour to create, are free to create, if you don’t factor in your time, are a great way to start creating passive income around your niche. Digital downloads are also a great way of building your audience. 

With a Stan Creator Store you can upload your digital download, add your price and go! Free programs like Canva can be used to create Digital Downloads for your Stan Creator Store and you can easily change and edit any digital download you can create.

Stan Creator Store Feature - Digital Downloads
The Teacherpreneurs Workshop

Masterclasses & Workshops

Who doesn’t like a masterclass? 

If you are anything like me you love learning how to create money online and serving your audience more. Masterclasses are a great way to teach your audience how to do something, a fantastic method to build trust and confidence amongst your audience and are quick and free to create. All you need is your computer and a good quality webcam. Don’t make the mistake of using your home computer, it will not be high definition and once you start charging for a digital product you need to make sure the resolution is at least 1080p. This is the exact same camera, I have used to create hundreds of masterclasses and courses. It is five years old and still going strong.

As I work a lot in my bedroom as it has the best view of the garden, I like the fact that this camera has a lens window to ensure no unauthorised viewing can enter in to my private space when snoozing.


Once you have sold a few master courses, you will I am sure get the digital creation bug. We at have Digital creation addiction bad! 

From here you can start to create your first e-course.  An e-course can be anything from a three, ‘how to’ videos or more.’ You can upload your videos directly to your Stan Creator Store, no other software or apps needed. You simply drag and drop your pre-recorded video them onto lesson box, save and price it and thats it. The Stan Creator Store makes creating your first e-course a dream because it makes it so easy. If you are looking for more time saving, recommendations. See our recommended resources page. We only list what we use ourselves.

Etsypreneur Course

Lead Page

Growing your email list is always a crucial part of business growth. The Stan Creator Store allows you to do this by owning your audience. The minute you open your Stan Creator Store you can set up a lead page, it takes about 5 minutes! 

You can choose to integrate a third party app, like Mailchimp, offer a free digital download or redirect your visitor to your website, blog or offer page directly after they have shared their email details with you.

Online Consultations

The Stan Creator store allows your visitors to book online consultations using your google calander – so say goodbye Calandly and save yourself $8 with this feature alone. You can choose to make these online consultations free of paid. It’s up to you. This Stan Creator Store feature has been popular with Online teachers, tutors and coaches, Social media Managers, lawyers, professionals offering advisory services and other.


Creating a paid membership is a great way for you to give your audience, regular, niched value and the Stan Creator Store makes this a breeze. From the Stan Creator Store editor you can create a membership to better serve your audience. You can choose to make this paid or free. Your visitors pay via the Stan Store and you collect their email this way. However the contents of the membership itself you will need to use another software. We use this one here for ours as it’s super affordable and super easy to setup.

Content Vault header
The Content Vault -
Stan Creator Store Membership feature
Stan Creator Store - Membership Feature

Like most of the Stan Creator Store features this converts particularly  well because of it’s simple interface and ease of use for both visitor and creator.

Here is how we use the membership feature for our Content Vault membership.

There is no better way to assure your audience of your authority with personalized video responses. Whatever your niche, if you provide services around this, the Stan Creator Store Video Response option is a great feature that is not found anywhere else. Your audience can ask a question and you can give a response by video. We have seen this done for consults, how’to’ tutorials and for expert knowledge such as in the legal professions. The responses are private and totally personalized for your client. Set your rate and that’s it.

Stan CReator Store Custom Video Feature
Stan Creator Store Custom Video Feature

Affiliate Offers

Share your favourite features with the Stan Creator Store affiliate link feature. This is perfect to share your love for a product or service, great if you haven’t yet created your first digital product and also as part of any promotional campaigns you may be involved.

Stan Creator Store Affiliate offer feature
Stan Creator Store Affiliate offer feature

External Link Redirects

This is similar to the lead page option however you are not collecting your audiences email in this Stan Creator store feature. This feature simply redirects clients to the url of your choice when they click on the button. This is handy to redirect clients to your main funnel, website or other additional resource that you choose. This feature could be used to lever external traffic to your website or third party selling platform like Etsy, Amazon or Shopify giving them a discount code for example.

If you want to try the Stan Creator Store out you can get a 14 day free trial by clicking here.

If you want to learn more about earning income online, try any of our courses here. For step-by-step growth programs.

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