Steal my 3 silent Contentpreneur Methods that Grew my Business by 67% in just two months

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If you are trying to grow your business with content marketing without having to create short video content such as Reels or Tik Toks, then this post is for you. I recently grew my own business by 67% by using these three silent, Contentpreneur  growth methods.

Contentpreneur strategy

The type of content that you create as a business owner is very important because if you get it wrong it can be a money zap or just a complete waste of time. 

If you are a busy business owner like I am, you may not always have the time or the inclination to create Reels or Tik Toks  everyday so let me share with you one of my silent, secret Contentpreneur growth methods that anyone can use to grow their own business online. This is just one of many methods that I share with my students inside  Contentpreneur Academy.

Discover the Contentpreneur Strategy

contentpreneur sielent growth strategy

Before you start creating any type of content you should be researching your audience and your niche. If you are unsure how to do this, read this post here.

Once you understand more about your niche you will start to populate common shared interests and demographics about your audience. Think of yourself as a profiler. A profiler records and analyses someones psychological and behavioural characteristics. 

This is very important because it will allow you to learn more about their needs and passions. To create content that works, it needs to be meaningful. If you don’t understand your audience or know much about their common characteristics how can you create meaningful content that will resonate with them.

For example, I am a business owner and I know that business owners are interested in learning about new marketing strategies that work. I understand this because I am a business owner. I have also had a lot of success with creating long term viral content on Facebook for educational brands and I used to be a resident blogger for one of J.K Rowlings organisations before becoming an award winning author myself, So I have quite a few years experience in solving a common problem that many business owners have which is how to grow my business with content marketing.


Because of that I understand the needs and the passions behind most business owners goals. That makes writing this blog post easier for me because I understand my audience because I am part of that same audience. 


If you are not intrinsically involved in your niche audience to this degree you can do lots of online research. I would suggest Quora. 

Quora is a forum where people can post anonymously. Because of this people feel more motivated to be honest. Where you get clear honesty, you will find the opportunity to discover more about your audience.

Extract from Quora Forum

Once you have done this you will start  to  see a pattern emerge often with a repeated pain point from people within the same niche. 

For example,  How can I teach my child Spanish from before he starts school? If you are a Spanish teacher this could provide you with a valuable insight into what parents with pre-school children are interested in. 


So now you have a question and within that question are keywords.

The Contentpreneur Cluster Strategy

Now you have the question you can provide a reply and within your content you are going to have to have to use a technique called keyword clustering. Keyword clustering is a method that specialists of Search Engine Optimzation use to dominate a niche by segmenting search terms of a keyphrase into groups.


In basic terms an example of keyword clustering would look like this: 


What is important here is that you need to identify what words do within the cluster, in forms of language connection because you are going to use those words in the content itself that you are going to create.

The Contentpreneur Content Trilogy

When I think of creating content in my head, it is pretty much mind mapped like this. I will do my research. Choose my keywords and write a blog post. 


From that blog post I will then create an infographic like the one in this post because it helps the reader to consume the content in different way. For example, sometimes you can use a simple infograph to communicate the same information that one or two paragraphs might use but in a different way. 


Infographics are also a great way of creating original visual content for your blog post. Google like original content and that includes the images that use in your blog posts. Creating infographics also allows you to brand your visual content so that when it is shared by Google or other search engines, not only will people see your content but they will know where to come to see more! Amplify that by adding the same keywords in the meta data of your infographic before you add it to your post.

As well as an Infograph I often create two to three pins for each blog post. Pins are the type of static content that the search engine pinterest uses. I find that the content that I post on Pinterest can rank and stay ranked at the top of search results years after posting it. You can’t really say that for Insatgram can you?


After I have written my blog post and posted my pins to pinterest, I wait a few days to one week then I check how Google is ranking this via Google console.

Why Googles Free tools are the best for Contentpreneurs

Google Console Analytics
Infograph: Analytics from Googles Free tools

Google Console is a completely free tool to use offered by Google – of course. Here you can see what search terms your content is ranking for amongst a lot of other useful information.  Only the content creator  or digital publisher as Google would call you, can access Google Console and only the digital publisher themselves can see exactly how many views your content has had and most importantly from where!


As you can see from this content analysis above, Google alone brings my business over 50% of my traffic at the time of writing this post. It is now 68% And Google analytics tells me that the best quality of traffic for my business comes from Pinterest. I was surprised top learn that, especially when I add up all the hours in a week I have spent on other platforms. So this has allowed me to make an informed decision that the majority of my quality traffic comes from Google, followed by Pinterest. So that is where  I will focus my time and energy, for the moment.

As you can see from the Google Analytics Infograph, whilst I have more visitors from facebook than Pinterest, the quality of the traffic from facebook is massively inferior to that of Pinterest.

Traffic coming from Pinterest stay on average x15 times longer than the traffic that comes from facebook. This is a massive metric that could go unnoticed if you don’t study how your content is performing.


As a Contentpreneur this is important because now my content creation planing will involve a specific content strategy that will utilise this information to make strategic content creation decisions. Meaning that I am not wasting time, energy and money creating content for other platforms that is not currently bringing me quality traffic.

The Content Creators Planner

The Content Creators Planner

In addition to my Contentpreneur Strategy above, I use this Content planner. I designed this planner myself in a way that allows me to streamline my content creation planning and execution in alignement with what the algorithms.

I found that this small tool was a vital part of the successful content marketing making sure the process was successful because it makes me think out how I will optimise the content creation process.

It is available in full color here, should you want to try one for yourself.

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